Unleashing Your Creativity In Your Garden- By: Leonard Hughes

Description : Gardening is an age-old tradition that has been done across the ages; more people today are doing it are concerned with garden design more so than food. Gardening can be very fun, especially if you take bits and pieces from other gardeners worldwide and apply them to your own unique garden. Many people grow certain plants from foreign locations that require a different type of climate, yet this is possible to do with modern advancements in gardening.

One distinctive form of gardening that has been popular is the topiary garden in which you trim shrubs into distinctive shapes. If you look back into history, you will discover that civilizations have been designing and enjoying topiary gardens for centuries. Their popularity is just as great today. Topiary gardens are a two-step process. The first thing you need to do is plant small trees or shrubs that lend themselves to topiary design. Then it's simply a matter of choosing your designs and trimming your plants into the shapes you have chosen. To be successful at topiary you generally need to start with shrubs that have small leaves. Practice and patience will be needed to develop the skill set required to trim the shrubs successfully. You might want to search online for videos or other information to guide you. Another option, of course, is to pay someone else to trim your shrubs for you - someone who has experience. This won't be nowhere near as much fun, however, as learning how to do it for yourself. Regardless of how you proceed, your garden or yard will most assuredly be different than anyone else's in your neighborhood. If you have a garden in your yard, a great way to make it more decorative is by adding a fountain. There are many shapes, sizes and materials that fountains come in. Your garden will look better when you add a fountain, either in a corner or as the centerpiece. You'll want to choose a fountain that fits in with the theme of your garden. You have lots of materials to pick from, such as wood, stone and fiberglass, when getting a fountain. Fiberglass is very durable, which is an advantage, but also it is easy to move around and to install because it is lighter than stone. On the other hand, if you want to invest in an authentic stone fountain, this can be very elegant and add a whole new dimension to your garden. You will find a fountain that fits your garden, once you start looking around at all the different types.

Have you ever thought about doing a water garden? These are a great way to enhance your landscape.

What you are doing is adding a pond or a fountain to your gardening area. You can add water lilies to the pond as well. You can also add additional plants, called marginal water plants, adjacent to the pond. To make your pond even more special, add a few fish to complete the effect. To improve the overall environment of your pond, when you add plants and fish together, you have in essence created an aquaponics garden. Water gardening can be a fascinating field once you get into it, and it can be a great addition to your land based garden. There are many ways to be a creative gardener. You don't necessarily have to grow the same plants or flower that your neighbors are growing. Just because you have to use containers, doesn't mean they need to be ordinary. Think of your garden as a work of art, and consider all the ways you can express yourself through it.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

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